photo de la guerre image de la date de la guerre


Wars, significant moments in world history, joyful moments but often sad, dead, hurt, grieving families and destroyed cities and countries. though for all those who have experienced war and we hope that there will never be war again , we let us hope for a world of peace and bohemian .

Book ( Chronology of the Second World War )

A book explaining everything that happened during the Second World War, with the dates and contents of the more important

frise sur la seconde guerre mondiale


A film that is available on the operation that cost the defeat to Germany

 image de l'operation

Song ( The song of the parties)

The anthem of the resistance, The song to make the French hold during the occupation.

photo de résistant de la  guerre

Location ( Europe )

The Europe that was the theater of the fighting, with the battles, the deaths and the bleeds .

carte de l'europe

Hope (End of War )

World War II was to be the last but 4 years later and Today war is still relevant .

image pour l'arret des guerre

Regret ( The war)

War , its should not exist , its was created by Man is that sad .

pourquoi la guerre