
The song of the partisans (French resistance)

drapeau francais avec un résistant
War resister

Why this title?

The music is called the partisans' song, it is the anthem of the resistance during the Second World War. The music was composed in 1941 in London by singer Anna Marly. The original lyrics in French are written in May 1943 by Joseph Kessel and Maurice Druon.

Joseph Kessel born on January 15, 1898 in Villa Clara and died on July 23, 1979 in Avernes is a French novelist. Maurice Druon is a French writer and politician, born on 23 April 2009 in Paris where he died on 14 April 2009. Both were engaged in resistance during World War II.

Text of the war

Why the song?

This song or hymn was written for the French resistance. During the war part of France and the This song or hymn was written for the French resistance. During the war part of France and the Entire France at the end were occupied by the Nazi army.

The general of Gaulle called to resist. This hymn was made for the French who are against the decisions of General Pétain, the resisters do not want that the government signs the armistice. The song tells the story of the resistance fighters.

What does the music say

At first the workers are called to fight to avenge the enemy. The French people are called to prepare for the battle to prepare the ground, and to take out weapons and grenades.

War prison

Then called partisans saved from prisons their brothers imprison. The author says that in other countries people dreams in their beds while here it is war, death. "We walk and we kill, we die ... ". Then they tell the soldiers that if they die, another will take their place, it is necessary to fight for the freedom we listens.


To conclude, we can see that the author is in the skin of a resistant, she speaks as if he lived the second world war. We also see that when she sings we feel the emotion in her voice and in her words