The Ruse (Operation Mincemeat) is a British-American film directed by John Madden, released in 2022. It is about the adaptation of the work of the same name by Ben Macintyre tracing the operation Mincemeat. John Madden is a director For cinema. He is known for having worked for television and in the series Sherlock Holmes and Inspector Morse but mainly for his best work the film Shakespeare in Love for which he won an Oscar of best film in 1998.
Reminder: During the Second World War the British launched Operation Mincemeat, designed to convince the Germans (Nazis) that the Allies would invade the Balkans and Sardinia instead of Sicily, which is their real objective.
As the name of the film says, THE RUSE is a film where the characters are intelligent and reflect on strategies. The actors are well dressed, we can make it a film of “rich”, when we watch the film we have the impression that the characters have a high status, whereas normally during the war it had to be the reverse.
Let's move on to the film, so the film talks about a battle during World War II, Operation Mincemeat” meat The purpose is to simulate the death of a soldier a dead man was using. The next step was to create a false identity and a life to this man then he was throwing into the water is fished out by a sinner. The body has finished being in the hands of the Nazis, this was the plan, in the pockets of the corpse there was false information concerning the next axis attack. Thanks to this ruse Germany believed that the axis will attack the Balkans and Sardinia instead of Sicily, which is their real goal.
To conclude this film tells the story of a battle, all by adding scenes. this film was made in homage to all the deaths of war.