soldiers in combat


For me war should not exist and that is sad. Men fight among themselves for stories that do must not exist. War was created by Man.

War is often a way of reconnecting a community against a common enemy, justifying respect for a strong discipline, even to acquire or retain a charismatic power. The purpose, or purpose of war, is of a political nature: it expresses an interest or an ideal. The goal in the war is identified with the objectives we set for ourselves for exercise military superiority over the adversary. There are other ways to solve problems than war .

Right or Wrong?

The war has only negative effects as we have seen , for example the Second World War which was a a world nightmare, a war where there are tens of millions of dead and wounded, people who had no more life, which was afraid every day and had to survive. The fighting is killing civilians and civilians. diseases are more frequent and violent crime is increasing. Wars result in mass migrations.

batiment délabré
dilapidated buildings
soldat bléssé
wounded soldier


Moreover the war is often ordered by a leader , a dictator , and the population and force to fight even if they are against the ideas of the current leader, and if they do not fight they are criminals and therefore must be tried . Therefore the population has no right to choose and therefore human rights are not respected .

Never again

To end wars should never have existed, the earth belongs to all the world, when we hear the word war we think directly of death sadness and we hope that there will never be wars again .